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Home > News > 2014 Lohas Day at Iron Hill- Post-race report
2014 Lohas Day at Iron Hill- Post-race report
Date:2014-11-25        Hits:328        Back
2014 Lohas Day was held on a warm day (Nov. 16) at the Iron Hill Cycling Sport Village. Despite the rainy days earlier, the race welcomed all its participants with a warm morning full of sunshine. Many of the young competitors even woke up extra early to practice in the fields and experience the fun of riding a push bike up the slopes.

Push bike slope race (Age group 2-6) first took place. Every children on the racing tracks put full effort into the race. With their feet as the source of power, they tried their best to move in full speed. Some of them lost balance and fell on the floor; some handled their bikes with ease and showed complete control in balance at a young age. No matter how the results came out, ranks were not the main focus of the race. The most important thing was to help every young participants form the habit of exercising and the ability to face frustration.

Let’s turn to another Class A racing tracks outdoor. This is a standard racing ground for Olympic distance race. A national dirt jump bike slope race between age group and elite group was held here. Exciting scenes kept going on as the difficulty of the race increased. Highly difficult skills such as leaping over the slopes could constantly been seen. Although this is just a race of four or five hundred meters, it not only requires the contestants to complete it under an anaerobic situation but also their ability to carefully calculate the angles of curve tracks and inclinations in order to minimize the risk of losing control. This could exhaust experienced bikers that are capable of controlling BMX bikes. Not to mention its difficulty for bikers that used to ride racing bikes and mountain bikes. At last, two experienced bikers from BEARS BIKE in the elite group, Chia-Yu Liu and Chih-Chun Chiu respectively won the race for male group and female group.

During noontime, pun cars invited by the organizer filled the air with great aromas. After a morning of performances with full effort, the participants returned to their picnic mat to enjoy a moment of relaxation with their families and prepare themselves for the races in the afternoon. Unlike the bike activities in the past, this one was filled with music played by the Fulfillment String Quartet, bringing a sense of artistry to this sporty bike race. After the simultaneous traffic safety promotion held by “FTV Happy Story”, the energetic young contestants returned to the indoor slope ground wher the open ceremony was held to begin the second phase of their race. Meanwhile, the outdoor slopes provided grounds for grass skiing race. You could feel the fun atmosphere bot indoor and outdoor brought by the young contestants.

The next program was equally fun. Watching past daring and energetic Gaus Wheel bikers competing on the stage of classic cross-country bike race, not only did the contestants demonstrate speed but through blocking each other’s way with full effort, they also showed their determination to win. The non-power slalom course PK race that took place on the other side was testing the contestants’ ability to race without stepping on pedals and to constantly shift their barycenters on the insulated wood ground. The last but best race was the sponge pool war. All experienced extreme bikers on site gathered at once. Each of them tried their best. They tried different skills in the air over and over again in order to complete the difficult moves they had in mind. The unique races and race ground provided adult bikers from different places of Taiwan with extreme fun and excitement.

Holding an overall integrated activity for the first time, the head of Iron Hill Cycling Sport Village, Wu-Hsiung Liao thinks that this bike carnival not only satisfied all kinds of bikers but also successfully promoted outdoor exercises. By combining different artistic performances, the organizer believes that all the participants could have fun on Lohas Day. In this bike fairground that has been completed for three years, attending stars also liked this activity on Facebook. Two-wheel sport lovers like Johnny Liu and Lisa Wang went through activities like making cakes and bike racing with the children from Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. They also experienced the fun of riding on slopes, hoping to bring more thoughts out of these children and create memories for them through various activities.

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